Revival Homeschool equips parents to homeschool their children with a Biblical Worldview.

Learn more about Revival Homeschool.

Who We Are

The Lord charges parents with the ultimate responsibility of instructing their children in all areas of growth and development. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4). Revival Homeschool has been established for families who have chosen to obey this admonition through homeschooling. Our goal is to provide a structured support system to aid parents in obtaining the highest quality education for their children regarding spiritual and academic excellence. Parents can have greater control over their children’s character development and spiritual training through homeschooling.

Our Private School Satellite Program allows for one-to-one teaching with an individualized curriculum tailored to each student so they can learn at a comfortable pace. Parents are responsible for purchasing a curriculum that best suits their student’s educational needs.
Three home education areas continually stressed in our program are family support, parental education, and family accountability.

Family Support

Fellowship among member families is necessary to uphold and encourage one another, as independent studies can strain families financially, emotionally, and socially.

Parental Education

Committed parents always need to look for opportunities to improve their teaching skills. To ensure our program’s strength, unity, and effectiveness, we hold monthly Parent Meetings.

Family Accountability

Revival Homeschool families are expected to meet all school requirements and make consistent progress toward attaining set educational goals.


To be enrolled at Revival Homeschool, you must consistently attend a Bible-teaching church, complete an enrollment packet, and complete a family interview.

Tuition & Records

Families are required to pay tuition on time unless alternate arrangements are made. Semester report cards and attendance records must be submitted promptly. Non-compliance may result in termination of our agreement.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Monthly Mandatory Parent Meetings are scheduled for member families throughout the year. It is required that at least one parent, preferably the teaching parent, attends these gatherings. The main aim of these meetings is to foster encouragement and exchange educational insights among participants.

Home School Legal Defense Association

Throughout the school year, member families are required to join the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). This association offers legal advice and representation to families who homeschool their children. For more information visit:


Revival Homeschool is a ministry of Revival Christian Fellowship. It is subject to the authority and supervision of the church’s leadership, whose goal is to build strong Christian families by teaching the Word of God.

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